Common FAQs on Degree Certificate Attestation in UAE

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Doing business or getting employment or getting admission for higher studies in the world’s global hub Dubai is always a dream for people worldwide. Whatever the purpose, Degree certification attestation UAE is mandatory for employment in authorised firms and universities. You may encounter many questions and challenges during the process of attestation. Here are some common FAQs on degree certificate attestation in UAE, including important information about the process in Dubai.

What is degree certificate attestation?

Degree certificate attestation is the process of authenticating a degree certificate issued by an educational institution in one country so that it is recognized and accepted by the government and other authorities in another country, such as the UAE. It involves obtaining a series of stamps or seals from different government departments to verify the authenticity of the degree.



Why do I need to get my degree certificate attested in UAE?

Degree certificate attestation UAE is a mandatory requirement for various purposes in UAE, including employment visas, higher education, professional licensing, and other legal or administrative purposes. It serves as proof that your degree is genuine and recognized by the issuing country’s educational authorities.



What documents are required for degree certificate attestation in Dubai?

The documents typically required for degree certificate attestation Dubai include the original degree certificate, passport copy, visa copy, and a request letter. It is advisable to check the specific requirements of the UAE government authorities or the educational institution to which you are submitting the documents for attestation.



Where do I need to get my degree certificate attested in UAE?

The degree certificate attestation process in UAE usually involves obtaining stamps or seals from the following authorities: the educational institution where the degree was issued, the Ministry of Education (MOE) in the issuing country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in the issuing country, the UAE Embassy or Consulate in the issuing country, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in UAE. Additionally, some professions may require attestation from relevant professional or regulatory bodies in UAE.



How long does the degree certificate attestation process take in UAE?

The time taken for degree certificate attestation in UAE may vary depending on various factors, such as the country where the degree was issued, the government departments involved, and the specific requirements of the attestation process. Generally, it can take several weeks to a few months to complete the entire process.



Can I get my degree certificate attested in Dubai if it was issued in another country?

Yes, you can get your degree certificate attested in Dubai even if it was issued in another country. The attestation process typically involves obtaining stamps or seals from the UAE Embassy or Consulate in the issuing country, as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) in the UAE.



Is degree certificate attestation in Dubai different from other emirates in UAE?

The degree certificate attestation process is generally similar across all emirates in UAE, as it follows the requirements and guidelines set by the UAE government. However, there may be slight variations in the specific procedures or requirements in different emirates, so it is advisable to check the requirements of the respective emirate where you are planning to submit your documents for attestation.



Can I get my degree certificate attested in UAE without my physical presence?

In most cases, degree certificate attestation in UAE requires the physical presence of the document holder or an authorized representative. However, some attestation steps, such as obtaining stamps from the UAE Embassy or Consulate in the issuing country, can be done by a trusted third-party agency or through mail-in services.


What are the consequences of not getting my degree certificate attested in UAE?

Failure to get your degree certificate attested in UAE may result in the rejection or delay of your visa, employment, or education applications. It may also lead to legal or administrative issues, as the UAE government and other authorities require attested documents to ensure their authenticity and validity.


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